Tuesday, October 13, 2009

School Bus Stop Signs

As the school bus ahead of my car slowed to a halt during my morning commute, I knew what was going to happen, that slow ass little stop sign was going to stretch out and halt my progress, needlessly. It stopped not just my two lanes of traffic, but the two lanes of oncoming traffic as well. Once the one little bugger got on the bus from the near side of the street, the bus retracted its stop sign and began to pull away. Myself and fellow commuters resumed our regularly scheduled drive, knowing that we had all been had.

In my youth if you got hit by a bus, it meant you deserved, it's big and yellow, and noisy. If we can't teach the kids how to cross the street, how can we teach them math, science, or the history of what happens to kids who can't look both ways?

1 comment:

  1. I remember letting off stink bombs on the bus. That was good clean fun....I have sars
